Carter, 13, started his 3D printing business from the ground up. We were fortunate enough to have spoken with him at one of our Boise, ID markets this summer!

Carter, 13, started his 3D printing business from the ground up. We were fortunate enough to have spoken with him at one of our Boise, ID markets this summer! Read what he has to say about being a young entrepreneur below:

CEM: Tell us about your business. How did you first get the idea?

Carter:  I run a 3D Printing Business. I make products and sell them online and in person at markets. One of my friends got a 3D Printer for Christmas 2 years ago and I thought it was super cool that he was making tons of stuff with it. I got one for my birthday a few months later. My dad suggested I make a business out of it, so I set up a basic website and started selling prints to friends. Since then, I have purchased 3 more printers and am growing rapidly.

CEM: What supplies and resources did you need to get going? How did you get ahold of them?
Carter: You need a 3D Printer, some kind of computer, and filament. You can get them on Amazon. I got my first printer and filament on Amazon. After you get it, there is specialized software that you need to learn how to use before you can send models to the printer for it to make.

CEM: What are some challenges you’ve faced in business, and how did you overcome them?
Carter: One of my challenges is not getting many sales. I used tools such as google business and Instagram/Facebook ads to help overcome that. Sometimes when I print for markets, I’m not sure what’s going to sell. I have to experiment with different models and see if my friends and family like them.

CEM: Do you have any advice for other aspiring kid entrepreneurs?
Carter: Work hard and don’t give up! It may feel tough to grow sometimes, but if you keep trying you never know what success you may find!

CEM: How can potential customers get in touch with you?
Carter: You can check out my website at or message me at for any orders!