Restrictions for this market: No CBD Products Allowed
Get ready for a PICKLE-tastic day at the PHENOMENAL Pickle Fest at the Garrett Coliseum! From pickle-flavored treats to pickle-themed products, it’s going to be a day full of fun and excitement! 10,000 patrons are expected so this is an amazing opportunity to showcase your products and be part of something BIG!
Market Specific Instructions:
- Check in is from 8am-9am
- All booths must be set up by 9:30.
- DO NOT engage the customers, answer questions or handle money. DO help your child do all of those things!
- Parents MAY NOT prepare or serve food- everything must be done by the child.
- Sit in the back of the booth and act like you’re not there! At the heart of this experience is for your child to do the selling.
See our complete Rules & Guidelines before registering.