At just six years old, Mary Reese Honnet turned her creativity into a thriving business: Joy to the World Shop. The name was inspired by her choir practice, where she had been singing "Joy to the World." Mary decided to spread joy by designing and selling handmade Christmas gift name tags.

At just six years old, Mary Reese Honnet turned her creativity into a thriving business: Joy to the World Shop. The name was inspired by her choir practice, where she had been singing “Joy to the World.” Mary decided to spread joy by designing and selling handmade Christmas gift name tags. For just $1, customers can purchase six beautifully crafted tags.

Mary’s artistic process began with drawing, painting, and coloring her unique designs. To keep up with demand, she transitioned to printing her designs – until her printer ran out of ink! With no time to restock, she adapted by selling the two designs she’d already printed instead of the third one she had planned.

Her supply list included items like paper, colored pencils, watercolors, ribbons, and hole punchers – all of which she had at home. The only thing she didn’t own was a folding table, which she borrowed and returned after the market.

Running a business came with a few hurdles, including resisting the temptation of watching Bluey on the big screen at the market! “I actually did not overcome it sometimes,” Mary admitted with a laugh.

Another challenge was her nervousness about not getting many customers. However, her worries quickly disappeared when more people came to her booth than she expected. Mary’s resilience and adaptability helped her handle setbacks like the printer issue and made her first venture a success.

“It’s not the hard pressure; it’s just doing what you love to do,” she says. Mary encourages other young entrepreneurs to follow their inspiration and not worry about what others might think. “Just think about what you love to make,” she adds, highlighting the importance of staying true to your passion.

Mary is already thinking about her next venture and has some exciting plans, including offering a bowl of free candy to customers. With her creativity, determination, and big heart, Joy to the World Shop is bound to bring even more smiles in the future.

Want to support Mary Reese and her Joy to the World Shop? You can reach her via email at

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