Toni has been at every one of our CEM markets since we launched in the Austin, TX area! She always shows up with a smile on her face and is ready for whatever comes her way and is always taking time to encourage all the other young entrepreneurs.
In 2023, Toni wanted to start a business, and her mom gave her the idea of making lip gloss. After some trial and error and burning lips, she finally came up with a recipe that created a lip gloss formula that was hydrating, shiny, smelled good and had great colors. While she was creating her business she had some challenges to overcome including time management, with school being a part of the gifted program, and creating an online presence through her website and social media. With her family’s support, she has been able to overcome the challenges and create a great brand while having so much fun.
Her advice for any young entrepreneur minded kids wanting to start a business is to “NEVER GIVE UP!”
You can find Toni and her lip gloss online here:
Website https://www.tplipglosstx.com/
Facebook Tp Lip Gloss
Instagram tonipearsontx