Meet Caroline, a 16-year-old entrepreneur from North Carolina who turned a Christmas gift into a thriving candle business! Discover her journey, from experimenting with fragrances to sharing advice for aspiring young entrepreneurs.

We met Caroline, 16, this year in North Carolina! We were so impressed by her candle business, we just had to learn the story behind it.

Tell us about your business. How did you first get the idea?
Caroline: I started about 3 years ago. Someone gave me a candle making kit for Christmas. I really,
really loved it so I started researching and looking things up and I started making my own.

What supplies and resources did you need to get going? How did you get a hold of them?
Caroline: There is a candle supplier called, Candle Science. They are really great. They have learning
resources and also I buy all of my supplies from them online.

What are some challenges you’ve faced in business, and how did you overcome them?
Caroline: Usually, naming the fragrances and getting them to actually smell good in a candle. So a lot
of testing, a lot of math, experiments, it’s really a science.

Do you have any advice for other aspiring kid entrepreneurs?
Caroline: Just keep working hard, experiment, and test it out.

How can potential customers get in touch with you?
Caroline: I do email and local pick up. I also have an email list that I let people know when I’m doing
markets like this. Her email is