Meet Halle Bullajian, one of our 2023 $250 scholarship winners! We met her at our Terrell Taco Festival market this past May…

Meet Halle Bullajian, one of our 2023 $250 scholarship winners! We met her at our Terrell Taco Festival market this past May, and we were impressed with how much work she has put into her business. We asked her to share more about her experience with us.

CEM: Tell us about your business. How did you first get the idea?   

Halle: I have a business named Dragonlily and I sell all natural candles and soaps. My little brother has a business selling hot chocolate spoons and he inspired me to want my own business.  

CEM: What supplies and resources did you need to get going? How did you get a hold of them?     

Halle: Well, I started with no money so I had to borrow money from my parents to buy candle wax, molds, wicks, fragrances and containers. I then expanded to making soaps and had to buy more supplies for that. I am working on paying them back! I had to research many candle fragrance companies because I only sell toxin-free candles/soaps and those are hard to find. I ordered so many fragrances until I found the ones that I liked. 

CEM: What are some challenges you’ve faced in business, and how did you overcome them?

Halle: It’s been a challenge just spreading the word about my business. I would like my order volume to increase and that is my current challenge. I am working to increase my inventory to sell at an upcoming Christmas market. 

CEM: Do you have any advice for other aspiring kid entrepreneurs?

Halle: My advice for aspiring kid entrepreneurs is to create a product that they love and that interests them. If you are happy, then it doesn’t feel like work! 

CEM: How can potential customers get in touch with you?

Halle: You can find my products on Etsy and my website 

Thanks so much for talking with us, Halle! We’re excited to see your business continue to grow at future markets!

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