We met Sa

We met Sa’Veya at one of our markets in Michigan this summer! We aren’t exaggerating when we say she is one incredible entrepreneur! She shares some great insight into her business and how it came to be with us here:

“My mom told me to take a break from my electronics and write about something I love and I absolutely loved bath Bombs and the way they make me feel and I wanted everyone to have that same experience. Supplies and resources I needed was a well-established publisher to help me publish my book and I posted to social media went viral and many resources reached out to me that lead me to many interviews on television, newspaper and events.

I’ve faced challenges of thinking I didn’t have a great business because I would do a event show and no one will buy my products. I overcame having doubt about my business not being successful by encouraging my peers that no matter how many failures you can do this. I learned a lot of millionaires failed many times before they became wealthy. I go to schools and speak with the youth help them with business plans and vision boards following the importance of mental health and self-care.

My advice to other kidprenuers is always remember
“We are the future” Don’t stop, keep going!

I launched my first book on my 9th birthday Aug 17, 2018 available on Amazon. After finding so many people didn’t know what a bath bomb was I decided to turn my book into not only an experience but a business offering bath bombs for the entire family to enjoy. I remember my first experience while using a bath bomb and the way it made me feel. It’s like a relaxing mental mini vacation truly a unique experience everyone must include into your daily lifestyle/self-care regimen. 

Bath Bombs are so beneficial they are soothing, relaxing, satisfying, super moisturizing, adds minerals and relieve stress to the body. Also, you don’t need a bathtub to enjoy a bath bomb you can use them for foot baths or shower steamers. Did you know adding essential oils triggers certain strains of the brain giving you the ultimate experience to enjoy your bath bomb?

When I curated my Bath Bombs I kept in mind I had sensitive skin so I made sure my products were all natural. My name got popular on social media and I got media coverage from NBC25, Mlive, Saginaw Township Living, Saginaw 107.1, Township View and Florida Radio.

My 2yr Anniversary in business 2020 I created my own lane and formulated a Bath Bomb Board Game, Bath Bomb Card Game & Two Free Gaming Apps on Google Play & published three more books.

During the Pandemic it was tough and I knew health workers were stressed and needed an mental outlet so I donated Bath Bombs to Hospitals, Med Expresses, Dental Offices in Saginaw, Bay City, Flint, New York, Atlanta, St. Judes and many more.

Kids Rule Now was my first Platform in 2018 that lead me to work with Dare to Dream Top 5 winning 2nd place in competition, SVSU Vitito Fellows, Heart of the City Development, READ Association, Women of Colors, Saginaw Learn to Earn Academy helping students with Mental Health, Self care, Business Plans & Vision Boards, Wild Daisy Store doing workshops. It was an honor to be Recognized by Councilman George Copeland. I had the opportunity to present in front of Kiwanis Club about my business.

I’ve also participated in Many pop up shops such as SVRC marketplace, Shipshewana, Great Lakes Crossings Mall, Lansing Mall, Midland Mall, YMCA, Saginaw Children’s Zoo, Women’s Expo and many more. I am an Author, Business Owner, Honor Student, Advocate of Mental Health and New Member of Student Council at My School.”

You can find Sa’Veya on many online platforms: 

Website: exploringbathbombs.com
Facebook: Exploring Bath Bombs
Instagram: exploringbathbombs
YouTube: exploring bath Bombs
Twitter: Exploring Bath Bombs
Snapchat: Exploringbathbo
Tik Tok: Exploring bath bomb

Thank you for sharing your amazing journey with us, Sa’Veya! We know you will do amazing things!