Congratulations to Layla Wardlaw on being awarded a $500 scholarship to invest in her business, Layla & Rose Handmade!

Congratulations to Layla Wardlaw on being awarded a $500 scholarship to invest in her business, Layla & Rose Handmade! We were blown away by her talent and creativity, and we know you will be too. Here’s what she had to say about running her own business:

CEM: Tell us about your business. How did you first get the idea?

Layla: I started sewing when I was six years old.  I have always loved stuffed animals.  When I found out that I could sew my own, I was hooked!  As I made them, my mom would post them on facebook or friends would see them.  Soon we had a lot of requests and realized that this could become a fun way to learn about starting a small business.

CEM: What supplies and resources did you need to get going? How did you get ahold of them?

Layla: Fabric, thread, stuffing, and various sewing supplies.  I would make a list of the supplies and measurements that I needed, and my mom helped me purchase the supplies. 

CEM: What are some challenges you’ve faced in business, and how did you overcome them?

Layla: My products have become better over time.  Although I love the first mouse I made, it really should have had more stuffing and my stitches were not perfected yet.  I have spent a lot of time watching tutorials on how to stitch the pieces perfectly and now you cannot see my stitches at all.  I had to start over once after many hours of work, when I was almost done sewing an animal, because I made a mistake stitching the face.  It was disappointing, but I have learned so much with every challenge.  I also sell tote bags, pencil rolls, and other small items, that don’t take as many hours of work and help me earn money for my other projects. 

CEM: Do you have any advice for other aspiring kid entrepreneurs? 

Layla: Find something you love whether it is cooking, sewing, or some other hobby and learn as much as you can about it.  Do your best to provide a great product.

CEM: How can potential customers get in touch with you?

Layla: You can follow and message me through my Instagram page, @LaylaandRoseHandmade.

Thanks for chatting with us Layla! We’re looking forward to seeing you at a market soon. 


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