We got the opportunity to chat with Sips by Mia owner, Mia, on April 1, 2023 at our market in Tucson, Arizona. Mia’s booth was popular with our thirsty customers on the beautiful 80 degree day! Here’s what she had to say about owning her own business:
Tell us about your business. How did you first get the idea?
Mia: So I watched a video on matcha, like a latte, and they kept popping up. I really got interested into doing it. So then I made my first one at my grandma’s house and it was really good, so that really inspired me.
What supplies and resourced did you need to get going? How did you get a hold of them?
Mia: For sure coffee and sparkling water mainly and flavorings. My uncle bought me the coffee. I get everything else at Walmart and TJ Maxx. Also, cups, ice, the basic stuff.
Your tablescape is beautiful! What about your sign here?
Mia: My uncle helped me make that!
What are some challenges you’ve faced in business, and how did you overcome them?
Mia: Mainly like if I forget to do something, I just remember that it’s my first time doing it and that it’s okay.
You mean like when you have a customer come and order something and you forget it, so you cut yourself a little bit of slack?
Mia: Yep!
Do you have any advice for other aspiring kid entrepreneurs?
Mia: It’s okay to mess up, because you can learn from your mistakes. Make sure you make an adjustment from what you failed on and just have fun!
How can potential customers get in touch with you?
Mia: My uncle said he might put me on Facebook. I’ll probably be at another market too on the weekends that I’m free.
What a wonderful support system Mia has! Thanks for taking the time to talk with us, Mia!