Meet Kenzie, 11, owner of Pipevine Designs. Kenzie attended 3 markets this Spring in Arizona! She drew customers in with her unique display, and kept their attention with the quality of her products. Check out what she had to say below!
Tell us about your business. How did you first get the idea?
Kenzie: This is Pipevine Designs, and we have scrunchies, headbands, and dog scarfs. They are all made by me and my mom. I first had this idea 3 years ago. One day I had an idea that we should start a business, so we started planning it out and decided that it should be a headband, scrunchie, and dog scarf business. I asked my mom to teach me how to sew.
What supplies and resources did you need to get going? How did you get a hold of them?
Kenzie: My mom was in charge of getting ahold of them. For the dog scarves we used french terry fabric and picked out separate threads for each one. For the scrunchies we used ITY for our ice collection. For our mattes, we used double brushed poly. For our cozies, we used the same as the dog scarves. For our satins, we used satin. For our ribbed, we used ribbed. The headbands is almost the same as the scrunchies, but no satins. In the scrunchies, we used hair ties on the insides instead of elastic. We order it all online.
What are some challenges you’ve faced in business, and how did you overcome them?
Kenzie: I didn’t really like sewing that much, I’m still working on that. But I’m starting to like it more, because I’m doing it more. When I’m sewing I just have to think that I want to be able to sew my own clothes when I grow up like my mom does. Another challenge I had was that we weren’t selling too good. The markets, though, are helping us make more money!
Do you have any advice for other aspiring kid entrepreneurs?
Kenzie: Once you start, just keep going and have faith that it will all work out!
How can potential customers get in touch with you?
Kenzie: We have a website (pipevinedesigns) and you can go to our website off of Etsy. We also have Instagram (@pipevinedesigns), Facebook, and TikTok.
Kenzie, we admire your motivation and dedication to growing your business! We can’t wait to see how Pipevine Designs grows!
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